Playoff Chaos, NHL Surprises, and Trey’s Ohio State Meltdown
Rising up straight to the top As the guts cut the glory With an instant sound I'm not gonna stop Just a man and his will to survive It's the eye of the tiger Is the dream of the fight Rising up through the challenge of our rival We're just rolling Miss Rolling Yeah Fuck it Sneaks it in post, let me get my Boom Boom Dude, I rock a fucking cardigan today and I love it I forgot how to come up with it You said a cardigan?
Yeah, a cardigan Oh yeah, no, no, I know Cardigans are They're very, very comfortable Cardigans are I get it Cardigans are very warm and filthy, man Yes They're awesome All right Yeah All right, Trey Trey And what's happening? What's happening? So we are back Another episode of In Zones to Strike Zones With your boy Trey Ballard right here I got my dog Wes over there My producer What'd he do?
My little everything guy He's the person that truly does make this shit run He tries to Because I'm the main person He truly tries to make it as if I'm doing it But he really behind the scenes Is the one that is really making this engine move Oh dude, you're too kind to me Well, I mean I'm just telling you that's fine I love I actually love doing this Like, so What do you mean do you? I would do it But I never would have thought of doing a sport show Like me talking on a sport show Yeah, no And here I am And then here we are I mean you write that show And now I can actually talk about sports You know what I'm saying? So So I know I am nowhere on your level Well, that's not to you know That's to be expected So guys you need to What is it like You gotta need the baseline guy Who doesn't know anything So it makes you look better Well, I just want to make you sound good man That's all I want to do I appreciate it But man, you know like I said Man, y'all welcome back to another episode You know, we're gonna kind of hold your attention here For the next hour or so You know, we got some things we want to talk about Starting off with I do want to run it down So here's where I was gonna work I'm gonna do a little bit of NHL Where the standings are A little bit of NBA Where the standings are With the NBA Cup and everything going on right now We got Christmas basketball And a lot of people out there that are casual fans Really wait for Christmas to Start following the NBA and everything So I just kind of want to give a little Kind of primer for that Once that happens A little bit of college basketball as well We will preview the college football playoff The games that are coming up next weekend And then we will finish with A full fantasy and NFL segment We'll kind of end with that There's a Thursday night game tonight obviously So we'll end with that But we're gonna start off With a little bit of NHL Just to kind of Get just a little bit of that out there for people You know, just the people that I don't know much about NHL But I went to it I went to the more stars game last season I think I went to like seven or eight Damn really? Yeah, well Adam He has season tickets So when he can't go We went to two years ago But we didn't go to any last year We wanted to go to one last year We didn't get to go Well, it was just like It was like Adam would be like Hey man, I can't go to the game tonight Do you want to go?
Yeah And just hop on the dirt Now I can Well, I remember that Whenever you would text me randomly You were like, yeah, I'm gonna go to the stars game man I was like, wait, what the fuck? Yeah, no, I would get it the very last minute But see, we need to go Like we need to go Like, pass two and then zone Fuck yeah, dude Because if it's like a nothing game Yeah You know, like they're playing I don't know, Arizona or some shit Like the tickets on the floor level Are next to nothing Right So Like up next to the ice? Or you know the next to the ice? Yeah, obviously like the 100 level Yeah Yeah, so what arts tickets were Or Adam seats were were 300 level center eyes Yeah But it's American Airlines There's no bad seats There's no bad seats at all So, but yeah, that was on But now that I live even closer The fact that I can walk out of my apartment to the dart Yeah I mean, I'm not talking like, oh yeah, it's I'm talking steps Yeah We're talking like maybe Like that shit might as well go through your apartment 300 steps at the most That shit might as well go through your apartment Yeah, no, it runs right next to it That's what I'm about to say It might as well just go through right in the middle of your shit Oh, anyway, sorry, I didn't mean to No, no, you're good I just wanted to kind of look at Where we were at in the standings With points and everything In the Eastern Conference Washington capitals 40 points at the top right now They without Alexander Ovechkin You know, still holding serve New Jersey Devils at 39 points right now That's a You know, they were solid last year But still it's just pretty crazy I feel like they've been solid in the past few years But just the Devils as much as I've grown up Haven't been a team that's always No, you really have heard much about the Devils That's what I'm going to say They haven't always been in that Conversation every, you know I wouldn't say a couple years But like every four to five years Maybe they'll kind of pop back up on the radar and everything So yeah, it's kind of like the Like growing up, it was, you know, Boston, Chicago Devils were in there because you just kind of knew Yeah, a little bit Devils because it was just like that whole northeast Like yeah, like Boston, like you said, Boston, Chicago A little bit of the the red wings Philly, yeah Philly You know, the capitals with the Basically, all I think is northeast is hockey to Chicago And that's about it Yeah, for sure There's fucking nothing else to do Florida Panthers, the Rennie Stanley Cup Champs at 38 points This is bad for me Like 70 You said the 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s Until basically Gretzky went to Los Angeles Yeah You would not think anything south of the Mason Dixon line And then you got the Florida Panthers who were in Tampa Right Or not in Tampa, but in Down by Miami Who are the Rennie Stanley Cup Champs Like that's so crazy Different type of ice down there, man It was insane And I'm referring to drugs, but yeah Yeah, that's true Carolina Hurricanes, obviously they've been in the mix Past few years Toronto Maple Leafs Definitely have been in the mix as well With Austin Matthews Boston Bruins are sitting there in six At 33 points New York Rangers at 31 Tampa Bay Lightning at 30 And we will cap it there because those are the top eight teams so far Obviously you got wild cards and such No offense to the other guys Well no, no offense Like you know the penguins and You know a little bit of the Ottawa Senators and the Islanders But just you know we're going to cap it at eight Obviously we're still in December so you got plenty of time But you know we don't want to keep dragging it on Yeah, because you're like okay we got it in HL You know what I mean All right so what's next Western Conference Minnesota Wild are in the first In the west at 42 I was going to say 42 points right now Tied with the Winnipeg Jets who at 42 The Jets I remember whenever they first became a franchise I don't even know What they were Winnipeg But uh the uh who was it Who were they before that? You know this Come on man Because I can't remember who it was I'm using it I don't know Well I can't remember it was just an expansion team Or if they took over I thought they took over for Somebody But I can't remember who So like to me like new teams obviously the wild But like in the 90s the big one was Avalanche Yeah Colorado Everybody was fucking Colorado right now is sitting in seventh it looks like The Vegas Golden Knights are at 39 points The Kings That's right And the Stars are at 37 and 34 respectfully Edmonton Oilers are at 34 And then the Avalanche are at 34 as well So you got three teams The Stars, Oilers, and Avalanche tied at 34 Vancouver Canucks are at 33 I know we capped the east at eight teams But I do have to just say that The Flames, the Calgary Flames Are also at 33 The Flames The Flames The Flames The Flames Sounds nice sir Well it's just one of the Pat McAfee show They joke around and call them the Flames sometimes So I mean so do we call them Flamers? Well I mean that's not That's not my I'm just saying like it's the one time you can call a Blue Collar heterosexual Flamer I mean that's not my call dude It's not my call bro I don't want to do them like that I don't want to test that out I don't want to be that guy Not from Canadians Not any Canadians No dude Canadians As nice as they maybe are They might try to jump us The fucking natives up there No no no no I will say though that the Stars Do play tonight At seven o'clock at home over in American Airlines Against the National Predators So if any of you guys Actually the Predators are actually pretty good They voted like recently But then I would say the last 10 years at least The Preds went I mean well they understand they cup in 20 Was that 16?
Yeah I mean they're somewhere 16, 17 Yeah not too far off So right now they absolutely suck dick though 20 points Speaking of Flames Seven wins six that right Seven wins 16 losses Six overtime losses I mean they're pretty fucking awful Yeah get your shit together So that was just a little bit of a recap of where we are Here on what is this December the 12th Yeah December the 12th with the NHL Next up we're going to cover a little bit of the NBA Obviously you know that's a little bit more of my alley I'm still trying to gather my NHL bag as well as I mean you got time Yeah I mean I'm still I'm still following it Once post Super Bowl before pre-season starts in baseball Right You got basketball still Yeah but you need to fill that other part of your heart No I know Oh I'm with it So just go you know you can go on like a vendor Oh no I'm with it I'm going to definitely do that Here's the way to do it Just you play video games just go get the NHL hockey Go get the NHL We used to play cell at the front house Yeah there you go We used to play cell at the front house That's what you call it Chill Chill That's your chill baby Yeah I can see that Playing chill It slowly started You know what I'm saying NHL 25 bro Just chill 25 Yeah so you I can see it slowly getting shorter and shorter Not in and I'm sure like could have been in chill or in it But chill I like that because it says just like chill Chill So with the NBA we are obviously around 25 Did 30 games in for some teams I don't really think any teams have touched 30 yet But by the end of the weekend we should be there First place in the Eastern Conference Are going to be the Cleveland Cavaliers At 21 and 4 They're on the Real Team Yeah I mean Yeah that's home for him What's his son doing? Isn't it like he's back He's going back and forth from the G League He's actually going to play in his first road G League game This coming weekend Wait so this kind of circles back to what we were talking about Before the show So colleges can be We were talking about college football players getting paid Is that a place of basketball too obviously Yeah it's baseball It's all collegiate sports So you can get an NIO deal Doing whatever sport So do you think that LeBron's son Who could have made it You know he had time to He got NIO last year Yeah I'm just saying but like if he got four years of playing He made money but he got time to play the college Even though he was like the best I mean to me LeBron I mean he's LeBron's son I get it he's amazing Yeah Well But I mean to go straight to the Lakers It's like ah dude that's a tough Disnepetism Oh fuck yeah it's But everybody does And that is a PR retreat Yeah but every father and son Thank you Wes And everyone does an epitome I totally get it I talk crazy I get it from the business standpoint Yeah no I mean it's nepotism for sure Do I think he's still going to make it to the NBA I honestly do Yeah He because He's just need to like I'm gonna think about it Like he also had a fucking heart attack last summer Like before He did really? Bro before his See before his freshman season He had a yeah he had a cardiac arrest Oh shit Yeah so during the summer when he was They were doing team workouts and everything He had a cardiac arrest You know what he used to be doing? More cardio Well that's probably true Dude if I had cardiac arrest the last thing I'm gonna do Yeah no He's suicides on the floor No but yeah so he had a cardiac arrest During their summer workouts And damn they're dying So a lot of people were like He shouldn't be getting drafted Bobbys only because his dad which You can say whatever you can say is whatever you say But like he damn like he was a top 25 prospect in his class Before he had a cardiac arrest Yeah It's not like he's shitty You know what I'm saying? Is he at the same level he was? Well probably fucking not He had a heart attack Yeah Like it's not easy to come back from it 18, 19 years old Not gonna be coming back 100% Yeah at least not sure Maybe not sure Not sure Especially not your first year back of playing basketball Yeah Gonna take you a second to get back into the groove of things But glass half full here At least he got it Young so his body can bounce back You know his body now knows how to react to that Right so if this happened when he was 35 That'd be different Yeah But it happened when he was 18 Yeah So even though he was that young And he had a heart attack that young Was like his body now knows how to combat that sort of thing Right It's just like drinking with uh you know Like while you could drink in college You could have so much Well yeah Well actually I can drink harder Well when you're younger you can definitely bounce back faster When you get older you can drink more You drink more and then So it's like this weird thing So young it's where yeah you drink shitty but you can bounce back Yeah And then you get out of college You can't bounce back as fast And then you can just dip because you're broke Yeah So you don't bounce back as fast And then you start making just a little bit more money So you start drinking better You can afford better shit Yes That's what it's rich people drunk You know And we're not saying we're rich I'm just saying but I'm not drinking Evan Williams white Not even close But right not even close to rich But once you get out of that that mindset And out of college you can also afford better Like a little better than Takavaka And these are Yeah You know this like pop pop Yeah You know you don't have to drink that stuff I don't even think any places that we go to have that No usually Wells like Smirrov Or something like that And even then I don't want to drink that either So I will do Tito's I'll do very goose or Belvedere It's usually used to be the shit But it was always because it was cheaper than absolute And tastes better And then Tito's just blew up Yeah So now it's like more It's more expensive It's a little more past the well But Stole Elite Stole is pretty good You cannot go wrong Stole Elite Stole is pretty good Stole is pretty good Yeah Kettle Kettle's pretty good But like if I was doing like But I'm not doing Takavaka I'm not doing fucking No No I can't even Oh fucking What is the other one?
Popup No I've never had that But It's Takavaka It's Taken There's one other one that's like that Um Oh like Heaven Hill and shit Those are the bells Those are the wells that I've That I haven't got my jobs that I worked at So Yeah Cause those are like Those are very bottom shelf Like legitimately like eight dollars a bottle Yeah dude And then you sell it for like like five Six Seven dollars a drink Dude literally It's great Yeah they're like doing inventory With the restaurants that you used to work in Like inventories on the vodka Or like whiskey Yeah bro I'm like bitch This cost twelve bucks You're trying to six dollars a shot You know what I'm saying I was like You literally paid for itself in two drinks And you get what 24? Like what are we talking about? Something out of that Oh yeah Anyway sorry Um no no no Listen we talk about this every episode down there Guys we're gonna go off on tangents Yeah Me included Like it happens so Yeah Um but Just you know like I said This is why we're doing this at the beginning To kind of get this out of the way that way We can go on tangents at the end And just focus on Right On NFL We're just getting the bullet points out But with the NBA Like I said Cleveland Cavaliers First up we're all seeding the West right now 21 or 4 Boston Celtics are gonna be second in 19 and 5 Orlando Magic is 17 and 10 Nix at 15 and 10 Heat 12 and 10 Bucks 12 and 11 The Hawks Nets and Pacers As well as the Bulls Are gonna be your play-in teams right now 7 through 10 That order right now Is probably gonna shake up some So we'll just kind of cover it from there We obviously do have Christmas coming up So most people are gonna start getting But hey you can call in Yes you can call in I would I would I would say I can show you how to use these wireless mics Yeah No I mean basically you can just hold it like a mic Yeah no I'm down Attach it to your phone I'm down Yeah Like you know I can give you this right here too Like whatever you want Dude I can walk around the streets of Hawaii Just asking people like All you Questions about sports And see how they see how things go Trey on the streets Trey on the streets So I would I would I mean so we can actually I'm on a highway We can make that work I think you should I highly support that And then just to get this out of the way Oklahoma City Thunder Number one seed in the West 19 and 5 Houston Rockets is 17 and 8 Are gonna be the two seed The Memphis Grizzlies are tied with them at 17 and 8 as a three seed But I think the tiebreaker with that one Is the conference record And then the Dallas Mavericks here in Dallas Your hometown team Are the four seed at 16 and 9 Golden State Warriors 14 and 10 at 5 And LA Clippers 14 and 11 at 6 The Denver Nuggets Los Angeles Lakers Shout out Minnesota Timberwolves And Phoenix Suns are all Just 7 through 10 teams Right now on the play in But like you said You know there's a lot of shake up That could happen The West is a lot tighter than the East In terms of playing teams And how far they are from each other As well as teams You're keeping it tight Huh? You're keeping it tight No, you know what I'm saying As well as the teams That are in the top four Compared to the top two in the conference Those teams are a lot closer Are a lot closer Oh it's not such a dramatic drop No in the East In the East it's pretty So like Is either like you're up here Well yeah so like the Cavs Are half or a game and a half Ahead of the Celtics And in the Celtics are Three and a half games ahead of the Magic But in the West The Thunder are two and a half games Ahead of the Rockets Even though it's a bigger difference from one to two But from two to three Where that three and a half game difference is From two to three The two and the three teams are tied So they're both two and a half games back from first Oh they're keeping it real tight And then Seed four from two to four in the West Is one game So a lot closer in the West Keeping tight Keeping those good looks man Keep it right Keep it right Keep it tight And then yeah so There's that with the NBA And then a little bit of College of Basketball Just to kind of cover that right now We've obviously had a lot of early season tournaments And things like that As you can get in high school basketball And college basketball I would just like to point out that As things stand right now That the With the rankings You have the Tennessee volunteers Are the number one team in the country Got the Auburn Tigers in number two Iowa State at number three Duke at four Kentucky at five Okay but I know we're supposed to set a college basketball But and this is What do you really think What about college football man We got the playoffs Oh I do Are we gonna jump into that after the break No Well yeah we can definitely jump into that after the break Because I figure football is gonna be the main story I didn't mean to like cut you off No you're right Because we can run all football for the rest of this fucking show Right So we just get the basketball Because I don't think anybody really care I'm not saying No no but you're right That's why I wanted to do it short And leave it at that That's all I need to talk about That's what you did at that The top five of college basketball Texas is not in it right now Which is That's fun You know it is what it is Marches Marches But marches a while the way is it Yeah So Plenty of time This is going to be the main meat part of this of the show We are going to talk We're Yes We are going to talk about football Yes And a lot of it Yep Including a little preview here in the next 40 minutes There we go Before the Thursday night game Yes So we'll touch on some college football playoff I am going to take my piss break And then That comes our favorite jingle And fantasy So Here comes our favorite jingle We'll be right back And when you know the rule Don't flush Don't fucking flush Let's go You want to turn off your mic Oh So This is not the vagina monologue podcast This is the strike so dense All right So we're back So we're we just left off At the college basketball But now we're back to college football That all that We're going to jump on the football I just wanted to cover the top five Obviously college basketball As January gets closer You know It's a couple weeks away That's when conference season will start And so That's when college basketball truly gets Gets Gets really going As you start fighting for You know Jockeying position in the conference so March will be here before you know it As everyone knows the NCAA tournament They call it March Madness Even though it is the NCAA tournament But It's technicalities To jump into what really matters right now Being the pig skin Being the oblong shaped ball Being Football Americano Amiricana Football Americano You know Starting off College football playoff Like I said man Indiana at Notre Dame We got an in-state College football game For a playoff advancement However you want to look at it So this all starts First round's Friday December 20th December 20th man All right You got Indiana at Notre Dame And South Bend hosting The first ever College football playoff game on a college campus First ever Really First ever time That games will be hosted on college campuses And I guess you're right It is first time Well will you first hear that stat You're like no there's no We're like oh but there's such big games Hadn't been a playoff for that long And it hadn't been 14 Or hadn't been more than 14's before this year so Okay There you go So that is the reason why the home games Will be hosted on campuses That was part of the reason why they wanted to do it that way Get that Because they gotta get that money to pay their players now That ain't no joke So you got Indiana at Notre Dame at 7 o'clock On Friday December the 20th In South Bend Indiana And I gotta say man Indiana being the Surprise team that they've been If you guys remember we did do a show Previewing the big noon kickoff From that particular day Was that 3, 3, 4 weeks ago? 3 weeks ago Uh 2 I don't know dude my days are so long I don't know That was almost a month ago actually Oh the first one we did The one that we did whenever you first dropped me off Oh no that was the Penn State game No so Indiana was 2 So this is about a month ago About a month ago It was the Indiana Ohio State game So what are we on?
What is it December the 12th? Yeah Okay so that game was November the 23rd Okay So yeah so we're couple weeks ago Yeah 2 weeks ago Couple weeks ago Couple weeks ago So yeah so We are now at the point where It's put up or shut up time As my grandma would have said R &P I know I like that she said that I'm just imagining It's put up or shut up time I'm just imagining your She was a big NBA basketball fan So anytime I played out How old was she? She was 66 Okay I just So anytime Once the playoff started She would always say above it It's put up or shut up time Yeah And I was always like well that's you know Hey grandma said that means I could say it Even high school Even high school like whenever we was going to the playoff She said hey It's put up or shut up time Yeah You either going to do it or you not And I was like She's giving me that tough love But then when you lose she gives you a big hug Yeah for sure You're always she did So yeah no Indiana and Notre Dame Got a playoff advancement on the line Going to the quarter finals hopefully And then on Saturday December 21st You got the other three first round games Of the college football playoff This is a crazy time we're living in College football playoff First round 11 o'clock In state college Pennsylvania On the campus of Penn State You got the hometown SMU Mustangs At Penn State At 11 a.m Crazy Yeah Crazy world we're living in It's very Yeah You know that's just so crazy to me man It's just Why is it what makes it so crazy I mean It's just The playoff man Like actually having a playoff I personally was not a fan of expanding But it is what it is here we are So I mean it gets more people And I like I want to use the word jazz And I get that and that's and you know You got the Arizona states You got SMU You got these Indiana That's still just fucking nuts to me the SMU You got these teams that you know Wouldn't have had an interest You know Three weeks ago in the old format But I mean bro but the thing is like Are they truly going to win an Astro Championship I don't know they've done it before They're not going to I'm sorry I know I'm not saying that they're going to There's a certain There's There's a certain level of talent you have to have on your team Is it likely That they don't have Is it likely no highly improbable Impossible no Just highly It's obviously not impossible It's just so unlikely to the point that Is it really worth expanding Well it's kind of And I get it and I get the money has talked I'm not in the position to make those decisions Well we were saying like the When SMU before they had the Whatever their suspension Oh when they got the death penalty Yeah you know they were the kings of this Tony Express Yeah the pony express me Tony Dorsett fucking Remember that was uh that was Eric Dickerson Oh sorry yeah Yeah Tony Dorsett with the pit But no Yeah sorry sorry Another Hall of Fame running back No yeah But Tony uh but Eric Dickerson Yeah I mean dawg I get it I just I'm gonna I'm gonna stop being that guy I'm gonna stop I'm gonna stop I'm gonna stop I'm gonna stop What what what are you gonna stop Just being that guy that's hating on the playoff and Fans like excuse me I thought you would be more excited because it's just more He will say and not but I Because it's more it's just more games of it big on a line On the line That's what people have been saying that said How can you complain about more football However it's it's It's speaking truth It's not the same as the NFL expanding to another playoff team Because with the NFL Everyone in the NFL is a professional Everyone in the NFL gets paid to play football Obviously with college as well But it's a little bit different Because everyone in college isn't going to the NFL Right Everyone in the NFL is already in the NFL There is a big difference between 18 and 22 years old Not so much 22 to 24 Athletically everyone in the NFL is already in the NFL Yeah So they're there for a reason Like football is already a very small margin for error game Yeah, what's the general no matter what level you play at It's a game of inches no matter what you do However, when it comes to the external factors Not even the external factors But just like the factors outside of it being a game of inches Such as talent, such as coaching Like there's other things that go into it That make it for me where it's like Yeah, what are the stats of people walking on to a college team?
That I don't know It's not very So what I'm saying but compared to the NFL To someone being an under-drafted free agent and making a team A walk on A person from a college walking on I'm sure it's it might be a little similar honestly It might be similar I don't know you just hear more stories Because what there's only been like what was the Mark Wahlberg invincible Fucking invincible Yeah, you just don't have a lot of undrafted guys That go on to actually stick on rosters But you also don't have a lot of walk-ons that go on to stick on roster Yeah, I feel like the option if you are good And you're just a walk on like the you have a better I guess what I'm saying is you have more of an opportunity or chance in college And obviously to your point It doesn't happen in the NFL Like you're just a nobody like hey man, I'm good at football Can I try out for the team? That just doesn't happen I mean, I don't think it does You're like you're oddly silent on this one No, wait, I was just pointing to a text Okay Get off your phone, goddamn it, I'm looking it up. No, bro, I just, I mean, regardless of that aside. Yeah, everybody's like, yeah, no shit West. I'm like, yeah.
I'm just talking. I'm happy for the Arizona state fans. I'm happy for the Boise State fans. I'm happy for these, these fans of these schools, especially Boise State because they've been, they've been the team for so long that everyone wanted, like they were the reason everyone wanted to see a little guy in there and do their thing because of them beating Oklahoma back in 2007 in the Rose or in the Fiesta Bowl.
And you know, maybe, I mean, obviously them and TCU played in a Fiesta Bowl and there was the battle of little guys, but then TCU went to the big 12 eventually and stuff like that. So, but I just, I just, this is my thing. I don't want the little guys to not have a shot, but it's kind of like, it's kind of mean.
No, I just, I will. And okay, exactly. I just want people to stop framing it as if this is college basketball or as if this is the NFL because like literally bro, that like again, in college basketball is five on five in football. And we call it, but with basketball, there's so much more influence from one person.
Right. With football, you have so many more moving parts, so many more people that depend on someone else next to them. Like with basketball, you can actually have someone go nuclear for a night and win that game and pull an upset.
Football again, upsets happen all the time. No one's saying that. However, seven to eight times out of 10 and people like, well, it's not 10 times.
And I get that, but seven to eight times out of 10, bro. Chalk is going to win in football. Like the, my team being me being man for man, better than you is going to win your coach. If you have a coach that is, that is on the level of being able to go out there and scheme and put his players in the best position to be able to get over these talent and size and speed, you know, disadvantages, that's a whole different story. But everyone at that level doesn't have a coach that can do that.
No. So for me, it's just like, I'm going to obviously tune into all these games. Like, don't get like, I'm a sports.
You're going to be watching. But for them, like their reasoning for trying to get the casual fan, especially with cultural ball of trying to get people that like Arizona State, like only like their fan base is pretty much only alumni, which is fine. And I'm happy for them. But like, don't get their hopes up as if they're actually going to go out here and win the game. They do have a chance. Like you said, they do.
It's just not likely. You have to go play the games. But it's just to the point where it's like matchups do matter.
They do. And like Arizona State's offense and the way that they operate. Boys, these like these are run heavy teams, potentially playing teams that are very good at stopping the run.
Like it's just one of those things like, again, you have to play the games. I get that. I'm not I'm not discrediting anyone. I'm just saying like, it's just I don't want to see a bunch of teams that got into this thing just for the fuck of it.
Go out here and get embarrassed. Right. And if they keep it close, more power to them.
Like congratulations. But I just it's just one of those things where it's just like I didn't even want to personally expand it past two teams when they did what it originally was. But everyone got tired of the computers and all the analytics and all that stuff going into it. So it was a four and do a committee and have these people that aren't actually watching the games either going into side he should be in. And then now here we are at 12 because everyone was getting mad at the fact that the four that the people that were picking the four teams were doing this and it's still the same people picking the 12.
So yeah, what do you really want? Like I know you want all these teams in, but like are any of these eight, nine, 10, 11, 12 seeds actually going to win? No, they're not.
I'm no it's not going to happen. And so you have to have a certain talent level to go out there and actually be the best team out of 134. I guess what a lot of people are rooting for is for it to be like pro sports, where it's the NFL, NBA, like the healthiest team will win because you got injuries.
You got all these things. But the thing about colleges, bro, like you have like so with the NFL, so for example, with NFL, like whenever you're back ups, like yes, they're pros, but they're also backups for a reason. When it comes to college, though, certain schools that are going to be in this playoff against these teams you want to like get it like boys, they stay and stuff.
Their backups are in some cases likely better than the starters. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, that's just what it is in college, bro.
Like and again, like people are saying with the transfer portal, NIL, like you're not able to like what I said earlier, you're not able to hoard these high rated guys and keep them past a certain point because they're going to want to go play. They don't want to sit behind anybody. Right.
Depending on what school you go to. A lot of these guys are willing to sit and wait their turn because they're bought into the message from the coach. Right. So it's like you got to earn your dues. You know what I'm saying?
And a lot of those guys, it resonates with them because they're like, I want to be pushed, I want to be challenged. I want to get to the ultimate. Now I want to get paid. I want to get to the ultimate level. So I'm able, like I'm going to sit and wait my turn. I'm going to keep competing with all these other high level guys. I'm going to get better. Now it's like, now it's like, I want to get, I want to get my money while I can. Right.
And you have to capitalize. You have to understand that some schools are going to still be able to retain these highly ready guys, even if they're not starting because of the fact that A, they can pay for it and B, they have the culture in place to do so. The prestige of like playing for Texas or Alabama or whatever. You're able to retain more of those guys because they're able to sit here and look at it and say, well, this is a, well, I'm like, I'm going to make a decision for my degree, but this is also a 40 year decision with me going to the NFL, keeping my degree and then going and building off of that after I finish playing.
Right. And this is what I was just thinking that, um, if you think I never thought about this either too, that usually I would say, like you grew up in Texas, you want to play for the Longhorns, right? Like that's, or then you pick your favorite team when you're little, that you want to go play for.
Now that can actually happen because you can say, you know what? I'll just not take as much money and go play for whoever. So like, let's just say that you wanted to play. So what I'm, I guess what I'm trying to connect is that you're willing, these guys were willing to wait and get better, but they, those are scholarships.
Those are like that. But then it's just like, Hey man, I'm this good, but I've always just wanted to play for this team. So I'll just take a little bit of a pay cut. So it happens as well.
Yeah. So it's just kind of like, I just, it's like, if we would play baseball, man, we just want to play for the Yankees or I don't want to play for anybody. And that's just how it goes sometimes.
And so I feel like people, that that's lost in translation now in that world we are with NIO. And the fact that like, yes, like these five stars, these highly ready guys, like you obviously don't want to go in and sit your freshman year. You don't want to sit, you know, two years, but some guys are going to do that and they're going to be able to look at where they, like whenever that coach came into their living room and talk to their family, gave them a plan for how they're going to develop them. They said, okay, I'm buying into this.
And there's going to be some people out there that are going to try to lure them away with money that they're not going to be able to do that with, because those guys are bought in to where they're at. And that doesn't even just go for text. That goes for Georgia, Tennessee, Ohio State.
You know, the mob, the mob, like the actual local Sonostra, like is fucking having a wet dream right now. Because how much influence have they had over so many college sports? So, or actually, there might be opposite. Like I said, I'm not mad about, you know, the little guy getting in and all this stuff. I just don't like how people frame it as if this is like the fucking NCAA tournament and basketball, where you're going to have this 11 C going to run. What is fucking 68 teams in the college basketball bracket? There's only 12 in this NCAA in this football bracket and fucking six of those 12 shit, seven or eight, even if you want to stretch it that far, which you can truly can actually go out there and have the personnel to win this thing. I truly think it's about four to five. But there's a lot of people out there that think it's, you know, six, seven, eight, which is cool and fine. But I think there's more about, there's more, there's four to five teams that can truly go out here and win this national.
Yeah. These are like dynasty teams. Like these are teams that have the personnel and the talent to go out there on any given week, I would say, any given game and beat who they need to be. Just looking out at the top of my head, just looking at it. You, Texas, Tennessee, Ohio, Clemson now, Georgia, Notre Dame, Bustu now, but Indiana.
Like I can see, yeah. And Penn, like I would take out Notre Dame, SMU, like I would say, I would say, I would say Oregon, Georgia, Texas, and probably Notre Dame. You can maybe sell me on Penn State, but I don't think if they played, oh, how about bring them young?
Well, BYU's not in it. Oh, wait. Sorry. Yep.
Never mind. But, but like you can sell me on Penn State, maybe, but they also lost Ohio State already. And a lot of people will take us off Georgia. And it's like, well, you got to understand, this is also. Team's loose. Well, that and this is also fucking Georgia. Like, yeah, like if Georgia wins a national championship this year, West, they will have won three out of the last four national championships. So let's not pretend like just like they obviously they have two losses. They lost one to fucking if I could they lose to and now I'm blanking right now. They lost the Ole Miss and then they lost to Alabama.
Obviously. So like, let's not pretend like this isn't still fucking Georgia that has one, you know, at this point now, right? Two out of the last three national championships.
Like it's fuck. You're never going to go and win three or four in a row. Florida is probably shit in a fucking brick. You know what I mean? Like you're never going to go win three or four in a row.
Last championships. That doesn't fucking happen. That hasn't happened since the 50s and 60s. I mean, it would happen in college, though, if anything. Well, yeah, but it's just not going to.
Right. And so I just, you know, but back off my fucking tangent. I've been at this fucking debate with people for so fucking long. I'm just here to listen, man. I agree with you and I totally get what people are saying when it coming from.
But my God, bro, like, dude, look at like, think about what you're saying, bro. Like I'm rooting for for for SMU because they're in Dallas and I live in Dallas and they're, you know, a Texas team. But like, are they going to win national? No, they're not going to win national championship. Like I'm so they're not.
They don't have the personnel to go. It doesn't matter how hot it would be cool. It would be dope. But it that people are like, well, you can get hot, blah, blah. This isn't basketball. Yeah. Like eventually, like you lose like you're like, it's going to matter. It's like the hot hand.
It's like, you know, that eventually ends like you got to understand. Like people keep referencing the Boise State, Oklahoma, 2007 Fiesta Bowl. That was one fucking game out of. Yeah.
How many have to win more than one game in this format? Yeah. Like you have to keep this train rolling. I will they get it's one game. It's the last game. Right. Exactly. I was like, well, they like, well, they get hot. I'm like, no, no, no.
The other team is going to match up better with them or they're going to be able to find matchups that make them be able to go out there and beat them. Yeah. Like that's just how it works. But back to what I was saying, SMU at Penn State, you got Clemson at Texas at three o'clock. Yeah.
December 21st. Let's go, baby. D.K .R. is going to be rocking.
You know what it is, man? Texas is an 11 point favor. I, you know, I just think that it's a bad matchup. Like I said, this is about look, it's just like with boxing, with the UFC, with combat styles make fights just like matchups matter.
And I think that is a bad matchup for Clemson. Kate Clubnick, if he wants to do all that running in shit that he's been doing, please be my guest, Kate Clubnick. I hope you do hear this out there in Columbia, South Carolina, because let me tell you, Anthony Hill, Andrew McCubbe. Wait, are you Clemson's in Greenville? Do you say Columbia?
Sorry. I thought they were in Columbia. No, that's the Gamecocks. Well, South Carolina is, but isn't Clemson tangly in Columbia, too? No, so that's Greenville. It's so it's it's about an hour and a half north of Columbia. So if you go kind of if you go northwest, you know, it's right by Augusta. It's towards that way. Right.
Which I mean, I might be shipping, but that's OK. So here's the way I always remember it from Charleston to Columbia was an hour and a half. Well, I guess technically it's Clemson, South Carolina. But yes, you're right. Greenville and Clemson.
Yeah. And that's I'm just saying if you said that in South Carolina, they'd be pissed. They would be uber pissed. And I would tell them to fuck.
Yeah, no, it's like a bag of dicks. But I see now technically Clemson is Greenville, South Carolina. It's enough because it's enough to be a difference because you got mountains versus. You know, nothing like no, right below sea level.
Right. Oh, Columbia is a little bit higher, but you know what I mean. But yeah, so yeah, you're in the Appalachians when you get there. Well, see, listen, this is what I'm looking at Memorial Stadium, which is in Clemson, South Carolina. But I see what you're saying, which obviously I knew that USC or South Carolina East or USC, sorry, nine South Carolina USC East is because USC out on the West Coast is USC West. Is that right?
But no, I didn't know that. But the fact that it is Clemson, South Carolina, and I guess you right, Greenville is. Yeah, it's I mean, it's like people like Greenville, Spartan. We're like, it's all the same.
It doesn't. Regardless, it's like there's like South Carolina is like basically three parts. I'll be in Charleston.
I'll be in Charleston at the end of 2025. So fuck off. Yeah, there you go. We will discuss that then. Yeah.
So yeah, South Carolina is basically you have mountains, central coast. That's just one, two, three. OK, so anyway, sorry. No, you're good.
Thank you for the correction there. That way, when I do go to fucking Charleston and I'm in South Carolina, I will be sure to let both South Carolina and Clemson fans know that y'all ain't shit. So I don't give a fuck about what you're talking about and whether the fuck you think there's a difference or whether there is a difference because you can eat a dick. But yeah, I'm talking shit now as Texas is going to beat the shit out of Clemson on December 21st at three o'clock.
So just believe it. So matter of fact, motherfuckers, why don't you make sure you make sure you travel from South Carolina to Austin, Texas to get this beat down? I love to see whether you're from Charleston, Greenville, Clemson, Fuck Columbia. I don't give a fuck wherever you're from, wherever you're coming from, come get this beat down just like your team's going to get.
We're loved to see you on Sixth Street, motherfuckers. Yeah, anyway, we'll just go ahead and cut that one off there. Oh, thank you, West, for the geographical lesson.
Oh, I didn't know geography to get you so worked up. And I'm fucking well, because I'm fucking glad that when you told me that motherfuckers were going to sit here and think and feel a type of way about it. I love that sort of shit.
Oh, dude, because I feel a type of way about it. We can make South Carolina doesn't have any. Well, you could say the Panthers, but but it was really all about you were Clemson. It was all about college Clemson, USC. That's it.
It's all that mattered. So they are very, very particular about that. So you yeah, I could get two flying fucks about them. So no, it's I was born a U T fit. No, I just love how people just, you know, there's people out there.
Literally like an hour and a half drive makes all the difference. They're going to feel a type way and they can go fuck them. So yeah, you never could wear purple or purple or orange in Colombia.
Yeah, whatever. I'm wearing a orange. I know what the promo clips going to be now. You know, you know that, right? Yeah. And I'm going to wear that in October next year.
I'm going to be wearing nothing but burnt orange. Yeah. And what's what's. So just so you know, trade doesn't have a fro when you see the promo.
However, I will have burnt orange on so if you can fuck off. There's not that's not saying there are a lot of Clemson fans. It's just that Columbia is closer.
A burnt orange is much better than that bullshit there. We're not that much. It doesn't say Cox like I'm looking at fucking Tennessee, Clemson and Texas all in a little inch radius here on my screen. And let me tell you, first off, Tennessee, next up, y'all are up. Tennessee at Ohio State. I'm actually rooting for y'all because fuck Ryan Day and the Ohio State Buckeyes because they are the softest fan base in the country.
Just want to put that out there. Ohio. Ohio State is a bunch of pussies. And so, yeah, I just want to put that out there for you guys that you guys are the softest fan base in the country. I'm not sure if you know that yet, but just to let you know, I'll give you a little bit of a PSA here.
You guys are pussies. So Tennessee at Ohio State, I am rooting for Tennessee to get Ohio State up out of there. So that hopefully Ross Bjork, who is the AD for Ohio State, he did publicly back Ryan Day today. Ross, I know that you have essentially failed upwards in your life. And so you are now the AD at Ohio State somehow some way after you left Texas A &M, which we know that dumpster fire of an athletic department. Yeah, let me tell you something. Talk to me, buddy. Let me just tell you something here. Ohio State.
So obviously, I don't want to bring my friend Jalen into this, but come on, Jalen. He just like every other Ohio State fan told me all offseason. They got Chip Kelly. They got a new offensive coordinator, Chip Kelly. Will Howard, new quarterback, Kyle McCord, who's transferred to Syracuse was the issue. He sucked.
Yada, yada, yada, boom, boom, boom, whatever. He also told me that they had multiple guys who were going to go in the first round in last year's NFL draft come back. They passed up going in the first round of the NFL draft.
Let's that's red flag number one. They passed up going in the first round to come back to school just to beat Michigan. And they lost to Michigan again. Oh, the same Michigan team that were not the same, but the Michigan team that last year did win the national championship. This year, Michigan off that win against Ohio State did finish seven and five after winning a national championship.
Going into the game, Michigan at six and five was a team that most people assume was going to get, including myself, was going to get absolutely steamrolled by Ohio State just because Michigan. I mean, they lost a lot. They lost their coastluster first round. I mean, they just lost a lot of guys. So I assumed like, OK, this would be the time for Ohio State to go out there and actually dominate Michigan, how they should have the past three years. And what do they do with what you tell me they lost again at home.
They lost at home. And I just want to sit here. I just I just need people like again, all of these guys allegedly.
Now, I say that word like emphatically, italicized, bold, allegedly. They came back to school to beat Michigan and they left school. These were seniors, right? They they stayed there for four years. They they came back. They left after they were going to leave after their junior year, which is allowed to go to the NFL, because if you're that good, you're going to leave after your junior year. They came back for their senior year to beat Michigan West.
Yeah. And they ended up leaving school as O and four against Michigan, not only where they are. And three going into the game. That's that's a came back to try to make it one in three. And they left O and four. And you mean to tell me your coach is going to keep his job for for what reason whatsoever?
Would he keep wise, he going to keep his job? I don't know. I just don't understand this.
And then they got the nerve to try to talk crazy to everybody else because they think they're God's gift to this fucking planet. And it's like, bro, you told me all off season loan. You needed a new office coordinator. So you brought in Chip Kelly. You needed a new quarterback because Kyle McCourt sucked.
He transfers out. You bring in Will fucking Howard, who I told motherfuckers, isn't worth the damn. He's not as good as you think he is. And they said, well, he was at Kansas State.
He didn't have the supporting cast. I said that there's some guys on this planet that that doesn't matter. They'll still find a way to fuck it up. And I told them he's going to. That's who he is. Even when things are going as good as they can be, he's going to find a way to fuck it up. And what did he do against Michigan West? He threw one touchdown and two interceptions in everyone.
Very underwhelming. It's called fucking it up. It's called fucking it up. And I'm like, you believe I look every single week, whereas I heard it, they from week one to week 12 before that game, they said, he's he's he's doing this. He's been playing this well.
He's ranked this in the conference in terms of passing yards and all these stats and blah, blah, blah. I said, listen, he is who he is. He is always going to be who he is. I watched him play against Texas for four years at Kansas State. I don't care if he didn't have the supporting cast that he has at Ohio State. That's my point is even when he's going to fuck it up, regardless.
That's just what he does. And then they tried to tell me I was wrong. I went to that that game that you dropped me off at West.
Yeah. And what did I tell them? I said, listen, y'all are going to win this game today.
But when it comes to Michigan, I will not be surprised if I come back and talk to y'all and he didn't let you down again. Or I'm not going to be surprised. And you said that with a fucking smile on your face. I was I was cheesing.
They was like, what do you know? You're a Texas man. I said, you haven't beaten anybody.
I said, so you're deflecting to my schedule because your quarterback is going to fail you, like I said, he was. And then I haven't been able to talk to them since. But I'm going to make a trip back to stands during Ohio State game was. And I'm going to let them know.
Yeah. What did I tell you was going to happen? I must say, I want you to remember what I said. I want you to remember what I said. I told them what's going to happen.
They want to listen, you know, that, you know, the, the, you know, obviously the phrase BDE. Yeah. You get that TDE right now.
Well, dude, I that's very fitting for trig, Dick energy or touchdown energy. I don't know. It works.
It works in football. I just they're just he's just a fucking fraud. He's so worried about his beard not having gray in it. He's so worried about dying his shit pitch black to be not look like he's fucking aging when, yeah, he's clearly aging because he can't seem to figure out what the fuck to do with the Michigan Wolverines and it would keep me up at night too. But he can't seem to figure it out.
And now he all of a sudden wants to sit here and be like, OK, well, we still got all of our goals in front of us. We can still go in that ship ship. Oh, no, you definitely can't. You're in the dance. But are you actually going to go out there and do what you need to do? When this no, I can't rely on you for that.
You're not trying to tell them. Not what I've seen. No, not not from what I've seen from you. So I'm going to go with my eyes have seen.
I'm going to use the eye test was and I'm going to let people know in Columbus, Ohio, your coach is a fraud. Y'all are a bunch of bitches. Your fans, every single one of y'all are pussies.
And on top of that, once Ryan Day lets you down again and Ross Bjork brings him back, you got him. He has two of the top 10 highest paid coordinators in the fucking country. And you mean to tell me he couldn't beat a Michigan team that came into the game at your house at six and five while there's videos of your players standing on the sidelines and in the end zone trying to taunt them and intimidate them and stand over them and act like they're going to go out here and actually do some shit. And then whenever they want to plant the flag on your field, you wanted to get mad about it. That's something I can't get behind, y'all.
I cannot get behind someone beating you. And then after the game, when they try to plant the flag on your field, you want to get mad and then you got a senator now or a house of representatives, whoever the fuck that guy is. Oh, that's what they've been talking about.
Trying to make it a felony to plant the flag because you can't defend your home field. Miss me with that shit. That's what. Oh, OK. Miss me with that shit. You can't. Look across the political lines.
Yeah, whether he's whether he's being serious or not, with any of the it doesn't matter. You can't sit here and try to tell someone they can't plant a flag on your field after they beat you because you know what you could have did instead of letting him put his hands on you for 60 minutes. You could have reversed that and actually won the game.
And then that one, no one can put the pin, plant the flag on your field if you beat him. Right. That's it. It's a simple. Do better.
It's a simple fit. Excuse me. Yeah. So they've been talking about that at work. And I had no idea what they were talking about.
The softest shit I've ever seen. I thought it and whether Ohio State fans want to subscribe to it or not or say that that's like, they're like, well, we don't actually agree with that. Like, I don't care, bro. You got a fucking person in your government in that weak ass state trying to tell me that it's a felony to plant a flag in that sorry ass stadium of yours because you can't defend it. All because you let Baker Mayfield from sorry ass, Oklahoma, but you go up there and beat your ass and then plant a flag on your field. Like, who like, what are we talking about here?
Really? Pick your battles. Literally pick your fucking battles, bro. Like, why don't you learn to go defend your home field in the 60 minutes that you're allotted to go out there and do whatever the fuck you want to the person opposite you. You can move. You can literally pick him up and carry him to the sideline and throw him into his own back.
Greg, I'm like, Bane does the Batman. If you want to, you can. Yeah, you can probably. But since you let him put his hands on you for 60 minutes, then all of a sudden you want to get mad after the game and try to fight and try to snatch flags and all this other shit. I'm sorry. But Ohio State, you are not going to fix this problem until you get rid of Ryan Day because he's not Urban Meyer. I saw what Urban Meyer was doing and whether them kids was getting in trouble or not, no one is supporting that.
But I'm saying they had to answer those teams and he was not standing for no shit like that. He would have had a stroke if in his last four games, he was 0-1-4 against Michigan. Urban Meyer would be in the ground before he let some shit like that happen.
I'm sorry, but he would have rather died and do some shit like that. Like, that's a joke. That is like how far that program has fallen from where they were. Yeah, I'm sick for I'm I'm sick. I am sick because I was like, you went from feeling bad for him. Now you're just like, no, I don't feel one of my closest friends in Ohio State.
And I have to hear him talk this stupid shit to me all the fucking time. And before I even knew him, I grew up watching Ohio State. I watched Texas play Ohio State multiple times. They were really good games all through.
Well, now through. Yeah, Ohio State was always like one of the big players. One of the games they did beat the shit out of Texas at home, which was fine. They got to take medicine. But the other two games were very good games.
They came down to the wire, yada, yada, yada, whatever. But before I knew this guy, I just used to have an appreciation for Ohio State. But now I have to hear him continue to dick ride them while with no matter who the coach is. And I'm like, bro, understand your program is not the same as it was. I know you might think it is because you still find a way to win 1011 games because you're playing the fucking Purdue's and fucking Northwesterns of the world.
Sure, I'm sure you do find a way to win 1011 games. We get great triple high school in Michigan State in this weak ass fucking schedule. But let me tell you something, the shit that you're on right now when it comes to play off time and playing championship football, that ain't who you are anymore. I ain't seen Ohio State play for a Nash or for a conference championship since 2020. They had to adjust the rules to get them into the game even because remember, they didn't play enough games in 2020. They only played six or six regular season games. So they had to adjust the rules to even get you into the best crazy to me. Actually, now I think about it.
They had the adjust they had to adjust the rules to get Ohio State into their last conference championship game. I am sick of this shit. I'm done with it. I'm not listening to you all anymore.
I'm sorry. I'm not listening to you all anymore because that it irks me. I'm that shit irks the hell out of me, bro. I'm like, I'm just saying I'm like just agreeing with you because you're my buddy.
But I've you create a very compelling case. I mean, bro, how do you have 60 minutes to go put your hands on somebody? And after they go out there and they bully you all game long after the fact, you want to sit here and try to prevent them from playing the flag? Where was that at during the game? Yeah, that was because that is a lot of energy. No, because me, it hits a nerve, West, because I used to have teammates like that in high school that after we would lose, they wanted to go in the locker room, throw in fucking Gatorade and knocking everybody else's shit over. And it's like, where was that energy at? When I saw you getting drove 10 yards out of the goddamn game?
Yeah. When he took you to the sideline and threw you in our bitch? Where was that energy at then? Like now you know you just fucked up our water, my locker fucked up. You're like, what was that energy at? Whenever he was driving you to your mama in the stands when he had his hands on you and he went and sat you in her lap. What was that energy at then? Yeah, that's my thing. That's my only issue is like, why don't you have that energy during the game?
Where was that at then? Yeah, because it takes a lot. Like I get passion. I get being I'm like, no one likes to lose. I get that. I hate losing, but I'm not going to sit here and sit and look at you the same as if you actually was out there doing some shit when you let him up. I go out there and put his hands on you like that. Right. I'm taking another break.
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